Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Let's Start With how to reuse wasted bottles 

NEED: Glass bottle / Plastic bottle
Coir rope (Sutali rope)
Gloves and rough cloth
Newspaper to keep your table safe

1. Clean the outer surface of the bottle so that it has no dust or label paper left on it as it might not give n even surface after finishing

2. Start applying glue from the brim of the bottle till the half mark

3. Now, start wrapping the coir rope ( sutali rope) till the applied glue

4. Repeat the above process till the end of the bottle

5. After wrapping the coir rope to the entire bottle let it dry in sunlight

6. After it gets dried it is ready to use

7. If you want it to look more interesting you can either use colored coir ropes ,  paint the ropes with different colors or add decorative articles to the pot.


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